General Meeting Minutes of the Benton County Republican Women
Monday, March 22, 2010
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Call to Order
SpeakersBCRW President Carolyn Webb welcomed the members and called the meeting to order at 11:30 am. The meeting was held at the Meadow Park Estates in Corvallis. Theme of the meeting was Hats Off to the Republican Women and several people wore and/or brought an eclectic group of hats to decorate the tables.
First Vice President Lou Copes led the Invocation and Carolyn led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
The first half of the meeting afforded two GOP candidates the opportunity to speak to the BCRW membership about their respective campaigns and we appreciate their commitment.Business Meeting & Officer's Reports
Mrs. Rose Cook is running against Mrs. Sara Gelser for a seat in the Oregon House of Representatives from District 16 (Corvallis, Philomath). Mrs. Gelser is the Democratic incumbent.
If you were not able to attend the meeting or would like to know more about Mrs. Cook and what she sees as the future of Oregon, please visit her website at:
Mr. Rex Watkins is running in the May GOP primary for the office of Governor of Oregon. If you were not able to attend the meeting or would like to know more about Mr. Watkins and what he sees as the future of Oregon, please visit his website at:
The second half of the meeting was the general business meeting of the group.Adjournment
President Carolyn Webb presented a short report on her attendance at the GOP Dorchester Conference in Seaside on March 5-7, 2010 and the OFRW Spring Board Meeting also at Seaside.
Carolyn noted that one interesting result of the Gubernatorial Straw Poll was that Mr. Allen Alley was the winner. [Mr. Allen Alley – 225, Mr. Chris Dudley – 165, John Lim – 47, and Bill Sizemore – 1]. If you would like to have more details about the Dorchester Conference and its history, please visit the Benton County GOP website at:
Treasurer Nancy Davis presented the March financial report to BCRW members.
Recording Secretary Pat Dysart read a recommendation from the BCRW Exec. Board to approve the final version of the BCRW by-Laws.
Recommendation was read as follows: The by-laws for the BCRW have been reviewed for four months. The changes that have been made have basically brought our by-laws into closer conformity with the Republic Women’s by-laws at the State and National Level, which would take priority over the BCRW by-laws if there is a discrepancy.
The board’s recommendation makes the first and second motion. The current version of the by-Laws had been available for review since November 2009. President Carolyn asked for a vote of those in favor and opposed.
The By-Laws were approved unanimously by the membership.
First Vice President Lou Copes stressed to the group that BCRW membership dues were due and encouraged more folks to join the BCRW. There was a drawing for people who joined and paid at the meeting and Mrs. Margaret Lewis won the strawberry-rhubarb diffuser provided by First Vice President Lou Copes. Annual due for a Regular (voting) membership is $30 and $25 for an annual Associate (non-voting) membership. Only Regular members can vote on business issues. Membership dues are valid from January-December of each year. Dues must be paid each January no matter when you join. Lou is the Membership Chairperson and is doing an excellent job trying to recruit and maintain members of all ages and interests.
The new BCRW Newsletter was mailed out prior to the general meeting and will become a quarterly publication for the group.
We wish a very Happy Birthday to Mrs. Dorothy Hawkins and we thank her very much for allowing us to use the Common Room at the Meadow Park Estates for our BCRW general meetings and a big thanks also to her daughter for helping with table and chair set up.
It should be noted for the future should we have any more meetings at Meadow Park Estates that Dorothy told Carolyn by phone that flyers cannot be posted at Meadow Park Estates.
Meeting was adjourned at 1 pm.
Respectively submitted
Pat Dysart 5-3-10
Minutes Archive
Printer Friendly Minutes: March 22, 2010 BCRW General Meeting
No minutes for February 2010 - The Lincoln Day Celebration took the place of the February General Meeting
Printer Friendly Minutes: January 25, 2010
Printer Friendly Minutes: November 26, 2009
Printer Friendly Minutes: October 26, 2009
Printer Friendly Notes: May 21, 2009 OFRW's Day at the Legislature (counted as the BCRW meeting for May)
Printer Friendly: April 27, 2009 Abridged Minutes (members may request full minutes).
No Minutes for March 2009 - The March 14th Lincoln/Oregon Dinner took the place of the General Meeting.
Download Feb. 2009 Minutes (Word.doc)
Download Jan. 2009 Minutes (Word.doc)
No Minutes for December 2008 - Meeting was canceled because of snow and ice.
No Minutes for November 2008 - Meeting cancelled because of broken pipes at Republican Headquarters.
Download Oct. 2008 Minutes (Word.doc)
Download Sept. 2008 Minutes (Word.doc)
No Minutes for August 2008 - Members manned the Republican Booth on Aug. 3 in place of the General Meeting.
No Minutes for July 2008 - Summer Potluck Picnic & Membership Drive held.
Download June 2008 Minutes (Word.doc)
No Minutes for May 2008 - The OFRW Day at the Legislature was held in place of the General Meeting.
Download April 2008 Minutes (Word.doc)
Download Mar. 2008 Minutes (Word.doc)
Download Feb. 2008 Minutes (Word.doc)
Download Jan. (Feb.) 2008 Minutes (Word.doc) - The January meeting was rescheduled for February due to snow.
Download Dec. 2007 Minutes (Word.doc)
Download Nov. 2007 Minutes (Word.doc)
Download Oct. 2007 Minutes (Word.doc)
Download Sept. 2007 Minutes (Word.doc)
No Minutes for August 2007 - Members manned the Republican Booth on Aug. 3 in place of the General Meeting.
No Minutes for July 2007 - Summer Potluck Picnic & Membership Drive held.
Download June 2007 Minutes (Word.doc)
No Minutes for May 2007 - The OFRW Leadership and Day at the Legislature was held in place of the BCRW General Meeting.
No Minutes for April 2007 - The OFRW District IV Director's Meeting was held in lieu of the BCRW General Meeting.
Download Mar. 2007 Minutes (Word.doc)
Download Feb. 2007 Minutes (Word.doc)
Download Jan. 2007 Minutes (Word.doc)
Download Dec. 2006 Minutes (Word.doc)
Download Nov. 2006 Minutes (Word.doc)
Download Oct. 2006 Minutes (Word.doc)
Download Sept. 2006 Minutes (Word.doc)
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