No-host luncheon meetings are held the 4th Monday of the Month unless otherwise noted.
Please check "Next Meeting" notice in right sidebar or our calendar for time, location and details.
Guests and spouses are most welcome!
Always the Best Speakers!
*Date, location or cost exceptions are noted below
- May or June: BCRW usually attends the OFRW District III Meeting in Benton, Linn, Marion or Polk County
- July: BCRW traditionally holds a Summer Potluck Picnic & Membership Drive
- Late July/August: BCRW members staff the BCRW Booth and help man the Benton County Republican booth during the Benton County Fair, which often takes the place of the Club's August meeting
- December: BCRW traditionally holds a Potluck Christmas Party & Membership Drive
Monday, January 23, 2017 - Benton County Republican Women will met at 11:30 a.m. at New China Buffet, 1720 NW 9th Street in Corvallis. Rep. Mike Nearman (R-Oregon House District 23) discussed a multitude of tax bills that the Democrat legislators will introduce for consideration in 2017. The legislative session starts February 1st. Though Republicans have strong arguments to support their opposition to new tax bills, they are outnumbered
Monday, February 27, 2017 - Benton County Republican Women met at the New China Buffet, 1720 NW 9th Street in Corvallis. Annabelle Jaramillo, Benton County Commissioner, spoke on Sanctuary Cities, Timber lawsuit and Sustainability. There was a lively question and answer period.
Monday, March 27, 2017 - The BCRW General meeting and no-host luncheon was held at 11:00 a.m. at New China Buffet, 1720 NW 9th Street in Corvallis. Bill Currier, Oregon Republican Party Chair spoke on political repression and voter fraud in Oregon.
Monday, April 24, 2017 - Benton County Republican Women met at 11:00 a.m. at New China Buffet, 1720 NW 9th Street in Corvallis for a no-host luncheon. The business meeting began at 11:45am with Speaker at Noon. Aslan Noakes spoke on "Empower Haiti Together," a sustainable, entreprenurial enterprise that helps Haitians rebuild and care for their own futures since the devastation. Aslan also spoke about her experience during the January 6th shooting spree that took the lives of 5 at the Ft Lauderdale, Florida airport.
Monday, June 26, 2017 - The BCRW held its General Meeting for June at New China Buffet, 1720 NW 9th Street in Corvallis with a no-host luncheon starting at 11:00am. In President Jean Nelson's absense, Carolyn Webb ran the meeting. After the Invocation and flag salute led by Evelyne Hendrix, Carolyn made announcements and held a business meeting before introducing the guest speaker, Representative Mike Nearman (R-Oregon House District 23), who returned to report on the most recent activity in the Oregon legislature.
Monday, July 10, 2017 - The BCRW held its annual Summer Potluck and Social at the lovely home of Charline King, 162 NE Azalea Dr., Adair Village, Oregon. The luncheon began at 1:00 p.m. on Charline's beautiful patio surrounded by good friends and fabulous summer flowers. Our special guest was Bre Miller, who has been with the Corvallis Knights for 11 years and was recently promoted to team president! For the Potluck, guest with last names starting with A-M, brought a salad and N-Z brought a dessert. GET FLYER.
No Meeting in August - BCRW Members staffed the Benton County Republican Women booth & Benton County Republicans booth at the Benton County Fair, August 2-5.
Saturday, September 16, 2017 - The BCRW sponsored a Flag Rally to celebrate Constitution Day from 12 Noon - 1:00 p.m. in front of the Benton County Courthouse. Get FLYER.
September 11-29, 2017 - BCRW presented a Constitution Day poster with other items of interest to feature in the display case at the Philomath Community Library. See text of display.
Monday, September 25, 2017 - The BCRW met meet at 11:00 a.m. at New China Buffet, 1720 NW 9th St. in Corvallis. Our speaker was Anna Malmberg, who covered new state legislation passed in 2017. She referred to the plethora of bills as, "A Brave New World," with some being the most radically progressive legislation passed in the nation to date. In addition five petitions were available for signatures.
Summary of BCRW 2016 Meetings
Summary of BCRW 2015 Meetings
Summary of BCRW 2014 Meetings
Summary of BCRW 2013 Meetings
Summary of BCRW 2012 Meetings
Summary of BCRW 2011 Meetings
Summary of BCRW 2010 Meetings.
Summary of BCRW 2009 Meetings.
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